Why Sponsor AJC? When Arabian racing grows, we all win.

Your sponsorship helps support the growth and expansion

of Arabian racing in America and around the world.

The Arabian Jockey Club is the #1 Social Broadcasting Network for Arabian racing in the United States and around the world. Through innovative technology and social media platforms, the AJC has leveraged its resources to not only excite newcomers for the sport of Arabian racing, but also bring racing – both domestic and international – directly into people’s homes around the world through:

AJC LIVE – Facebook Live Broadcasts on major Arabian race days that give viewers access to everything from behind-the-scenes activities to inside the winner’s circle

AJC TV – A cutting-edge broadcast platform that combines race coverage and stories from the turf in a monthly broadcast reaching over 66,000 people in 2020 alone. In 2021, AJC TV will expand to two episodes per month, plus special race previews.

Both programs are made possible by the support and generosity of our sponsors, who enjoy extensive promotional benefits, such as:

  • Multiple complimentary AJC Eblasts
  • Social media and Eblast custom graphics with sponsor logo branding
  • Social media Posts (offering frequent sponsorship acknowledgement, sponsor logo branding, and sponsor spotlights)
  • Email Blast Recognition (offering frequent sponsorship acknowledgement, sponsor logo branding, and sponsor spotlights)
  • Pre-Race Interviews (AJC LIVE) and broadcast commercials (AJC TV)
The Arabian Jockey Club exists to provide fundamental infrastructure and promotion for Arabian Racing and to illustrate the value of Race-bred Arabians in disciplines beyond racing. 
AJC LIVE with Dance With Me Connections - Photo by Hoofprints, Inc.

AJC LIVE with Dance With Me Connections – Jonathan Horowitz interviewing Jernesto Torrez and Carol Cedenoat Delaware Park on August 17, 2019. Photo by Hoofprints, Inc.

AJC TV: Ashley and Madjikman - Photo by Danielle Kinney

AJC TV: Ashley and Madjikman – Photo by Danielle Kinney

For more information on how your program can enjoy the promotional benefits of being an AJC sponsor, please contact Jonathan Horowitz.