Website and Server Maintenance
Racing reports are unavailable - please check backServer maintenance is underway.
Racing report web services will be unavailable during this time.
Thank you, and we apologize for the inconvenience.
Get Paid Reports
After you pay for reports / log-in, return to this page and Scroll Down to select the report you desire...The Arabian Jockey Club provides information available for your research. To take advantage of premium reports, you must PURCHASE a report subscription for the duration you desire in our Marketplace. Once you log in, then report request forms will appear inside your customer dashboard at My Account. Examples of the reports and specific request forms appear below.
Save with a full membership! When you purchase an annual AJC Membership, you will receive a discount on additional products purchased throughout the year. If you are interested in becoming an AJC Member, please click here.
A subscription purchase is necessary for Paid Report access. Please follow the shopping link to finish this setup.