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Pedigree with race summary

A four-generation pedigree that includes the horse’s year of birth, sex, color, registration number and breeder’s name.
Type EITHER the horse # OR the horse name.


Career Starts

A start-by-start detailed race record of a horse’s career including earnings.
Type EITHER the horse # OR the horse name.


Last Five Starts

A detailed race record of a horse’s last five starts including earnings.
Type EITHER the horse # OR the horse name.


Summary Race Record

Breaks a horse’s race record down by year listing age, number of starts, firsts, seconds, thirds and earnings. Also, lists stakes races by year, finish, race name and earnings.
Type EITHER the horse # OR the horse name.


Starts for year

A start-by-start detailed race record of a horse’s career for an individual year.
Type EITHER the horse # OR the horse name.


Sire: 1-line race record

Features a year-by-year listing of a sire’s progeny including name, registration number, sex and dam. Also includes a one-line race record with earnings for each of a stallion’s foals that have raced.
Type EITHER the horse # OR the horse name.

Sire: statistical report

Includes sire’s race record, statistics such as number of foals, starters, winner and stakes winners by foal crop and by sex and lists the stallion’s top five earnings.
Type EITHER the horse # OR the horse name.

Broodmare sire report

Includes all producing daughters and each of her foals and a one-line race record with earnings for those who raced. Also shows statistics on all foals, starters, winners and stakes winners.

Broodmare sire stats with top 5 earners

Includes statistics such as number of producing daughters, number of foals, starters, winners, stakes winners and stakes winners by year and by sex. Also lists sire’s top five earners.
Type EITHER the horse # OR the horse name.

Sire current runners

Summarizes a sire’s current runners. Includes number of starters, winners, stakes winners and earnings. Also lists starters and gives a one-line race record.
Type EITHER the horse # OR the horse name.

Dam's produce listing

Lists a dam’s foals by year of birth, name, registration number, sex and sire. Also includes a one-line race record with earnings for all foals that raced.
Type EITHER the horse # OR the horse name.

Auction style pedigree

A horse’s detailed history with pedigree, sire’s race record and top racing progeny, first four dams with race records and name of each foal produced plus all foals through four generations.

Owner's statistical report

Information on a particular owner, including the number of horses owned, starters, winners per starters, 3-year-old winners, stakes winners, stakes placed, total earnings and leading money earner. 

Owner's highest earners report

Lists an owner’s horses by highest earnings for all years.

Trainer's statistical report

Information on a particular trainer, including the number of horses trained, starters, winners per starters, 3-year-old winners, stakes winners, stakes placed, total earnings and leading money earner.

Trainer's highest earners report

Lists a trainer’s horses by highest earnings for all years.

Jockey's statistical report

Includes number of mounts, firsts, seconds, thirds and stakes wins.

Jockey's highest earners report

Lists a jockey’s mounts by highest earnings for all years.